Basic Trip Information

Q and A Fast Facts
Q: What are the dates of the trip?
A:  The dates of the 2013 March of the Living trip are April 24-May 8
Week #1 Poland: April 24-May 1
Week #2 Israel:  May 2-May 8
Q: Is this an excused absence from my school and AP Exams?
A:  The March of the Living Trip is an excused absence from most schools in Greater Cincinnati and an accepted excuse for rescheduling any AP Exams that are scheduled during the trip.  You can check with your guidance counselor for details.
Q: How many people will be going on the trip?
A:  There will be 14 students and two adult chaperones going on the trip.
Q: How do I qualify to get a Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Israel Travel Grant to participate in this trip at no cost?
A:   The Jewish Foundation grants are available to high school-aged residents of Greater Cincinnati who have at least one Jewish parent. You can access the application online by going to
Q: How much spending money should I bring?
A:   The flight, sleeping accommodations, all meals, in-country transportation, basic health insurance, and all program activities are covered by the core program fees. However, we suggest you bring additional spending money to purchase snacks, bottled water in Israel  (bottled water is provided in Poland, and tap water is safe in Israel), souvenirs, gifts, hotel internet usage, etc. Most participants bring about $200 and feel it is more than sufficient to cover all such expenses.  We do not recommend travelers checks or large sums of cash money.
Q:  What about ATM / Credit Cards?
A:   If your ATM card has a Visa, MasterCard, Star, Cirrus, or Maestro logo imprint, there should not be problem withdrawing money. PLUS cards will not work in Israel. Other ATM network cards may work, but we encourage you to check with your local bank if you have any doubts. Some participants have experienced difficulty withdrawing money from savings accounts. We strongly recommend that ATM cards be linked to checking accounts only to prevent any potential difficulties in Israel or Europe. Major credit cards like VISA and MasterCard are also accepted throughout Israel and Poland. We advise that you contact your bank to inform them you are traveling abroad and using your cards to make purchases. Check with your bank for exact fees charged when using ATM and credit cards in Poland and Israel.
Q: Where can I learn more about the experience for participants?A:  Last year’s delegation kept a blog: Visit the blog to see pictures, read detailed descriptions, and learn about the  trip from a participant’s perspective.  

Q: What is the purpose of the trip?
A: The March of the Living is a two week trip to Poland and Israel. In Poland, participants explore Jewish life in Europe as it was for our ancestors, and how it forever changed when the Nazis came to power. We march from Auschwitz to Birkenau (concentration camps) on Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoa) with over 10,000 teenagers from around the world who join together to proclaim in a voice 10,000 strong, "we’re still here."

In Israel, we see the famous sites, including Masada, the Dead Sea, and the Western Wall, and take part in genuine Israeli cultural experiences. In Cincinnati’s sister city of Netanya, we observe Israeli Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) with Israeli high school students, then celebrate the birth of modern day Israel on Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut).

The trip occurs over Yom Hashoa, Yom HaZikaron, and Yom Ha’atzmaut every year. The Cincinnati Delegation is open exclusively to high school seniors, and acceptance into the Delegation involves a rigorous application process. The trip is a highly educational exploration into the history of the Holocaust and an immersive Israeli cultural experience. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity for Jewish high school seniors, and many past trip participants have presented to their classmates about the experience.


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